Blue Moon and me

31 Dec

In the past weeks, I would be dozing off around 10 p.m. Sometimes, I would be upright, but my mind has wandered off to La-La Land, my eyes sooo heavy, I feel I have to prop them up with toothpicks.

As 2009 comes to a close, it is past 1 a.m. of New Year’s Eve yet I am wide-eyed and alert. Anticipating the changing of the year, perhaps?

What really has me all cheery is the sight of a radiant — almost blinding — celestial being that is Luna. We’re expecting a “blue moon” on New Year’s Eve, right? But I couldn’t wait and it was out there, beckoning to me tonight.

Around me was the stillness of the night, the heavens pitch black with stars jostling for attention. But not one of them could outshine the moon.  She drew me to her, and held me spellbound. A perfect orb. Dazzling white. A quiet presence.

Two full moons in a month, and on New Year’s Eve at that! How blessed we are…

Many times, I was witness to Luna’s sheer brilliance when it was her time to shine. Yet the experience still holds me in awe each and every time I see her. And during my darkest hours, she was there faithful, so full of hope.

Luna may be a million miles away, but when I stand beneath her glow it is a feeling of being wrapped in warmth and love. Thank you, Lord!

In those moments when my path was blurry, and my heart heavy, you were my light, my hope.  And I know that with you there, darkness will fade to be enveloped by your radiant glory.

1 Comment

Posted by on December 31, 2009 in faith, God, gratitude, life, nature, Photography, writing


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One response to “Blue Moon and me

  1. myfirefly

    December 31, 2009 at 4:47 am

    I can’t wait to see her on this side of the world!
    There’s nothing like driving to work with Luna as my guide!!
    What a perfect company on a cold and still night!:)


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